MSS Gulf

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(+971) 4123456

Our Location

Dubai – UAE

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About us

Model Service society (MSS) is a non-profit service organization, working for the betterment and development of individuals, families and communities in UAE.

Our Mission

To empower volunteers to serve the communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace

Our Vission

To be the leader in community and humanitarian services.


Responsibility, Leadership, dedication, humanitarian

Ideal Human, Ideal family, and Ideal Community


This association’s functioning shall be free from any profit motive, regional, political, and/or other similar considerations, and all its members shall work for the fulfilment of its Aims and Objectives.

All the individuals registered with MSS are members of the general body. The executive committee makes policy matters and major decisions. Office bearers and subcommittee conveners (OBC), under the guidance of the General Secretary, handle day-to-day activities.

The general body meeting is a single event whereby all members can gather and ask questions about MSS activities and work. The executive meeting generally meets once every three months, and the OBC meeting meets as and when required.

Funds for the activities collected through donations generally come from members, well-wishers, or companies from fundraising appeals or given as a legacy.

We Invite everyone to support and join with us for the betterment of the society.

Let s be a bridge between haves and have-not’s

Let’s be a helping hand for those in need


Our esteemed leaders, who where established the core values and principles that have been imbibed and embraced by all every member of our organizational family.

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Our esteemed leaders, who where established the core values and principles that have been imbibed and embraced by all every member of our organizational family.

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Our esteemed leaders, who where established the core values and principles that have been imbibed and embraced by all every member of our organizational family.

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To empower volunteers to serve the communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace

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Our history

Years of Journey


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